Thursday, March 1, 2007

What are the top ten business secrets for 2007?

10. Bag the booze – Alcohol impacts every part of your world. Business interactions are simply not meant to be conducted under the influence. Neither is your life.

9. Forget paper - YOU are your best resume – Do whatever is necessary to get out and meet the people you want to review your resume and to meet the people that work at the companies you are targeting. Pack up and go to conferences they attend, show up at their office – find out where they eat.

8. Don’t waste time - If you think you are not wasting time, just open your cell phone and scroll through your last 15 calls. Also, look closely at how you spend your time between 5pm and 10p.m. Productive?

7. Find your comma - This is so-and-so, she’s a _____. Remember that there is always something that will appear after your name when you are introduced. What is behind your name when people introduce you, or when they are discussing your role. Who you are, is often defined by your comma. And it’s typically others that are making statements about who you are – and these statements originate with your actions. Do you have a good comma? If so, find it and redefine it until you are happy with the result.

6. Interview everyone. If you are at a big company and you are bored, be sure to take someone different for coffee EVERY DAY – ask them about their lives, what they do at the company, what they learned and what their dreams are.

5. Connect the dots – When you see something that interests a friend in a newspaper or magazine – cut it out and mail it to them – do the same online. When you see two people that can benefit from meeting each other – introduce them fast. When you help people get what they want, they will help you get what you want.

4. Pursue the spark – What is your spark in life, love and in work? If you’re not pursuing something that sparks desire in your heart and soul, find something that does.

3. Get out of “Dodge” – The way to avoid boredom at work is to travel often.

2. Learn how to click people – Minds work like computers, click the correct hyperlinks with your mouth, which actually serves as a mouse for the hyperlinks of others.
1. Brutal honesty. These simple two words, when applied to your character will have a spectacular positive impact on your career.

By Mitch Thrower

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